Future perspectives in ovarian cancer research

A conference on ovarian cancer research – held in November 2022

It was a great pleasure for the Swedish Cancer Society to invite researchers to a thrilling conference with outstanding international and national speakers in the field of ovarian cancer.

The conference, which took place 16-17 November in Stockholm, covered a wide range of aspects of ovarian cancer research, from prevention and risk factors, preclinical models and translational studies, clinical treatment research and palliation.

The second day of the conference included a workshop with the aim of clarifying the challenges of ovarian cancer research and identifying where the greatest opportunities for important progress are. 

Researchers in an auditorium
The steering group that put together the conference agenda. Photo: Sanna Percivall

In Swedish: Vi har samlat artiklar om forskarna och en film med några av höjdpunkterna på en sida på svenska. 

Se höjdpunkterna

Program and speakers

The two-day conference included a broad range of speakers and research areas. 

See the program

Short presentation of the speakers

Abstract book

Read the abstract book

The two-day conference focused on the future of ovarian cancer reserach. Foto: Shutterstock

Steering committee 

  • Prof Elisabeth Åvall Lundqvist, Linköpings Universitet 
  • Prof Klas Kärre, Cancerfonden 
  • Docent Pernilla Dahm-Kähler, Göteborgs Universitet 
  • Prof Ingrid Hedenfalk, Lunds Universitet 
  • Prof Kaisa Lehti, Karolinska Institutet 
  • Prof Karin Sundfeldt, Göteborgs Universitet 
  • Prof Jan Zedenius, Cancerfonden 
  • Docent Linda Björkhem Bergman, Cancerfonden 

Vill du få information om vårt arbete för att besegra cancer?

Genom att gå vidare samtycker jag till att mina personuppgifter behandlas i enlighet med Cancerfondens integritetspolicy.

Illustration av ett brev