Travel grants


The Swedish Cancer Society, organization number 802005-3370, 101 55 Stockholm, is the body responsible for the collection and processing of personal data in connection with grant applications.

The Swedish Cancer Society has a digitized grant application system called Fenix. Fenix uses BankID and Swedish social security numbers for both identification and signing.

The application is signed digitally by both the Head of Department and the applicant directly in Fenix.

Applicants sign the application last, i.e. after the Head of Department has signed. Note that if you make changes to the application after sending it to the Head of Department for signing, you must send a new request for signing by your Head of Department, as the application has changed.

This applies regardless of what changes have been made. Holders of grants or assignments from the tobacco industry may not at the same time hold grants from the Swedish Cancer Society.

The application must be submitted to the Swedish Cancer Society no later than six weeks before the travel is to take place. 


Grants are offered for research visits or research-related participation in courses and conferences. Grants are intended to facilitate travel for applicants active in research projects supported by the Swedish Cancer Society.

For legal reasons, the Swedish Cancer Society pays grants only to Swedish educational institutions.

Formal eligibility requirements

Travel grants may be applied for by:

  • Doctoral students’ participation in conferences is supported only if the doctoral student is to defend his or her dissertation within one year from the application date, and is active in a research project funded by the Swedish Cancer Society. Participation with submitted abstract is required. Participation in international high-quality courses relevant to the research project can, however, be supported for doctoral students throughout the doctoral period.
  • Postdoctoral researchers active in research projects funded by the Swedish Cancer Society.
  • Other researchers (eg healthcare staff) working independently within research projects funded by the Swedish Cancer Society.

Healthcare staff who are not connected with research projects are referred to ‘Financial support for healthcare staff’.

Special provisions

Travel grants for both participation in a scientific conference and participation in a course can be awarded per year to the same applicant.

Travel grants for scientific conferences can be awarded to a maximum of two applicants from the same research group.

Travel grants are normally intended to cover either fully or partially: travel tickets with the lowest ticket price, hotel costs, conference fees and any other necessary and specified costs for the trip.

Research program

If the application is for “Short-term research at a foreign Department”, a research program should be attached comprising a maximum of ten pages including references (12 points, single line spacing, 2.5 cm margin).

The research program must include a description of how the intended research is related to ongoing project grants funded by the Swedish Cancer Society.

The following is the recommended outline:

  • Specific objectives
    A brief account of the aim of the proposed research work.
  • Background
    Summary of your own and others’ results in the research area.
  • Work plan and preliminary results
    Detailed description of hypotheses, work plan, and any available preliminary results. The work plan should also include a methodological description where it is made clear that current technology/methodology is in place and mastered, or is otherwise available for the project in question.
  • Significance
    Brief account of the expected importance for cancer research and for the ongoing research project currently receiving support from the Swedish Cancer Society.
  • Literature references
    Author, title of work, publication name and year of publication. Include only the absolutely essential references.

Practical guidelines

Signing the application

When you have completed your application, you must send it to your Head of Department by going into the “Preview/Förhandsgranska” tab.

At the bottom of the page you click on “Request signing/Be om signering”. This sends the application to your Head of Department, who receives it and signs it digitally with BankID.

Note that if you make changes to the application after sending it to the Head of Department for signing, you must send a new request for signing by your Head of Department, as the application has changed.

This applies regardless of what changes have been made. When the Head of Department has signed the application digitally with BankID, you as the applicant will receive an email. You can then log in and sign the application digitally with BankID.

Application signing period

Travel grants can be applied for at any time during the year, though not later than six weeks before the start of the activity applied for.


Notice of an approved or rejected application is given approximately six weeks after the signed application has been received.

The exception is for applications received during the summer and Christmas holidays when no applications are processed.


Applications are made in the Swedish Cancer Society’s grant application system Fenix.

Applications can be saved and altered until you have pressed the button “Request signing/Be om signering”.

Applications cannot be signed and submitted unless all the tabs in the application form are marked in green. Applications cannot be altered or supplemented after the end of the application period.


  • Research program (mandatory if the application refers to short-term research at a foreign Department or a foreign researcher’s trip to work in Sweden within a project supported by the Swedish Cancer Society)
  • Invitation from a foreign head of department or conference organizer • Conference information
  • Abstract and, if applicable, notice of acceptance for presentation


Change of address

The applicant/grantee is responsible for ensuring that up-to-date personal and Departmental contact information is entered into the Fenix application portal.

Change of administrative authority / department

When transferring grants to another administrative authority or to another department within the current university or college, the application for transfer must be made in Fenix with digital signing / approval from both the current and receiving Heads of Department.

Reports (financial)

Not later than three months (see contract) after the end of the period of performance, a report must be submitted via Fenix. Unused funds must be repaid. After a stay in another laboratory abroad, a scientific report in PDF format must also be submitted.


Contact the Research department at telephone number 010 - 199 10 10, or by email

Use of personal data

Read more about the Swedish Cancer Society's handling of personal data in the Swedish Cancer Society's privacy policy (in Swedish).

The guidelines in pdf-format

Download the guidelines in a pdf here

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