

The Swedish Cancer Society, organization number 802005-3370, 101 55 Stockholm, is the body responsible for the collection and processing of personal data in connection with grant applications.

The Swedish Cancer Society has a digitized grant application system called Fenix. Fenix uses BankID and Swedish social security numbers for both identification and signing.

The application is signed digitally by both the Head of Department and the applicant directly in Fenix. Applicants sign the application last, i.e. after the Head of Department has signed.

Note that if you make changes to the application after sending it to the Head of Department for signing, you must send a new request for signing by your Head of Department, as the application has changed.

This applies regardless of what changes have been made. 


The grant is intended to enable the organization of conferences / symposia in Sweden which are relevant to cancer research, by covering the costs of invited participants, administration, premises, etc.

The Swedish Cancer Society pays grants only to Swedish educational institutions.

Formal requirements

The applicant must be a researcher and be responsible for the scientific content and the programme of the research congress. The applicant does not need to hold a grant from the Swedish Cancer Society. 


The conference must take place in Sweden and must be announced publicly. Costs for activities outside the scientific program are not covered. The Swedish Cancer Society does not allow the cost of fees or salaries or similar fees.

Economy class airline tickets should be used in all but exceptional circumstances, in which case these must be stated in the budget.


It is important to include a complete budget, including information of pending or approved financing from other sources. In the application you should state which budgetlines you're aiming to get funding from the Swedish Cancer Society. 

Fixed amounts for the grant:

<100 participants: 50 000 SEK
100-200 participants: 100 000 SEK
200-300 participants: 150 000 SEK
>300 participants: 200 000 SEK

In addition to this you can apply for additional costs for invited speakers.

The Swedish Cancer Society allows deductions for indirect costs up to a maximum of 15.25 percent of the grant.

Conference program

For a proper assessment of the application, it is essential that a conference program is attached listing invited speakers and the titles of their talks. Include the estimated number of conference participants. It is important for the Swedish Cancer Society that both men and women are represented as invited speakers. 

Cancer relevance

The Swedish Cancer Society supports only those conferences whose content is important for cancer research. Applicants must always substantiate this relevance to cancer.

Practical guidelines

Funding from other financing organizations  

Holders of grants or assignments from the tobacco industry may not at the same time hold grants from the Swedish Cancer Society.

Signing the application

A completed application, should be send to the Head of Department by the "Preview/Förhandsgranska" tab. At the bottom of the page you click on "Request signing/Be om signering". This will send the application to the Head of Department, who receives it and signs it digitally with BankID.

Note that if you make changes to the application after sending it to the Head of Department for signing, you must send a new request for signing by your Head of Department, as the application has changed.

This applies regardless of what changes have been made.

When the Head of Department has signed the application digitally with BankID, you as the applicant will receive an email. You can then log in and sign the application digitally with BankID.


Conference grants may be applied for at any time during the year, and are assessed ongoing. It is important to submit your application in due time before the conference starts, we recommend that you submit your application three months before but at least six weeks in advance of the planned conference. 


Applications are made in the Swedish Cancer Society's grant application system Fenix. Applications can be saved and altered until you have pressed the button "Request signing/Be om signering".

Applications cannot be signed and submitted unless all the tabs in the application form are marked in green. Applications cannot be altered or supplemented after you have submitted the application. 


  • Complete conference program


Change of address

The applicant/grantee is responsible for ensuring that up-to-date personal and Departmental contact information is entered into the Fenix application portal.

Change of administrative authority / Department

When transferring grants to another administrative authority or to another Department within the current university or college, the application for transfer must be made in Fenix with digital signing / approval from both the current and receiving Heads of Department.

Reports (financial)

Not later than six months (see contract) after the end of the period of performance, a report must be submitted via Fenix. If the conference shows a surplus, part of the grant received from the Swedish Cancer Society must be repaid.

The size of the amount repaid shall be in proportion to the Swedish Cancer Society's contribution in relation to the conference's other external sponsors. Unused funds must be repaid.


Contact the Research department at telephone number 010 - 199 10 10, or by email

Use of personal data

Read more about the Swedish Cancer Society's handling of personal data in the Swedish Cancer Society's privacy policy (in Swedish).

Vill du få information om vårt arbete för att besegra cancer?


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